
GeneForCongress in minnesota CD4

VOTE Gene Rechtzigel 

August 13, 2024 PRIMARY Election

Gene for People:  GENECARE is a solution to COVID-19:
  • Elect Gene Rechtzigel | GENECARE is a Solution to COVID19 | Alt & Traditional Chinese Medicines
  • GENECARE Tier 1 Healthcare Coverage -
    • GENECARE provides a yearly $12,000 payment to a healthcare voucher card that enables all citizens the choice of preventive and/or alternative care providers, including traditional Chinese medicine. This money never expires and accumulates every year.
  • GENECARE Tier 2 Healthcare Coverage - 
    • GENECARE provides citizen selected and purchased insurance coverage from $12,000 to $150,000 allowing freedom to choose from all Insurance companies throughout the U.S., which has maximum competition to drive down policy premiums, thus giving every citizen personalized choices.  You get to choose the plan that suits you best, within your budget.
  • GENECARE Tier 3 Healthcare Coverage - 
    • GENECARE provides government care from $150,000-Unlimited range, and your health coverage voucher card turns into a Medicare card until the end of the fiscal year.

Vote Gene Rechtzigel for Integrity, Prosperity, Freedom and Equal Justice!

Vote Gene Rechtzigel Congressional District 4 on Nov. 3, 2020.

(Gene for People,(, 3:47 AM, October 4, 2020 CST)(Solving tomorrows problems today)(Gene for Congress, (,  Vote For the light, Vote For Gene Rechtzigel For Congress, Minnesota CD 4 -  November 3, 2020, General Election!